קולוקווים חברתי-קוגניטיבי: Varieties of Effectiveness: How Sensing Agency Motivates - Baruch Eitam (Haifa) | המחלקה לפסיכולוגיה

קולוקווים חברתי-קוגניטיבי: Varieties of Effectiveness: How Sensing Agency Motivates - Baruch Eitam (Haifa)

ה', 10/03/202212:30-14:00
27501 - חדר סמינרים המחלקה לפסיכולוגיה
Baruch Eitam




In this talk I will present behavioral evidence for a relatively unknown form of reinforcement – Reinforcement from Sensorimotor Predictability (RSP). Such RSP seemingly stems from the confirmation of sensorimotor predictions and is seemingly modular (i.e. is both little affected by 'cognition' and only affects specific motor programs rather than abstract action).  I will then present evidence suggesting that RSP is unique in this influence over motor programs and that surprisingly, tangible rewards (such as monetary outcomes) fail to have similar effects. Given time, I will end by presenting work on how both influences play out in a condition that is characterized by deficits in motivation and reward processing – Major depressive disorder (MDD).